Web Marketing for Window and Door Installation Contractors

A door and window replacement contracting business has a very competitive and specialized market, so you have to be very good at your job. This type of setting necessitates the use of an excellent website as well as a powerful marketing effort.

Marketing & SEO for Home Window and Door Replacement Leads:

Reaching more potential clients on the web is what will differentiate your small business from its competitors. The following are some effective home window and door replacement lead generation ideas that will help attract even more visitors to your website.

E-mail Marketing:

You should never underestimate the power of e-mail marketing. Sending out newsletters about important news concerning your company or any new promotions, discounts, or ideas will keep your potential customers excited about you. E-mail marketing can be easily integrated into your website with autoresponders that are set up to send out e-mails on a regular basis.

Window and Door Installation Websites:

Your website is the face of your company. Web marketing for window and door installation contractors requires a professional presence online, so you need to make sure your website reflects that image. The following are some tips from Delco Windows our window installation company in Canada on how you can make sure your website has a lasting impression with potential clients.

You should always try to develop an image of professionalism on your website. When building your website, utilize modern design approaches and avoid clashing colors or unprofessional fonts. It is also recommended that you use sharp, high-quality images of the work that you have done for previous clients.

You should always try to integrate testimonials from past customers on your site. They can be easy to add by simply adding a link at the bottom of each page that will take visitors directly to an area where they can leave their thoughts about you and your services. After each testimonial, make sure there is a link back to your site.

Social Media Marketing:

Never underestimate the power of social media marketing either. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are used by millions of people each day to talk about products or services that they have enjoyed or disliked. If there is a positive conversation happening on one of these sites, make sure you take part in it. A simple Facebook Like button or Tweet link can be added to your site.

My Business Page on Google:

Your business needs to have a presence on Google+. This can be done by creating a My Business Page. A My Business Page is a free feature that allows you to add photos, videos, and descriptions about your company to help increase traffic to your website. It will also allow potential customers or clients to leave reviews for your services.

Google Ads (Google AdWords):

If you want a high ranking on the web, you need to make sure your website is near the top of search engine results pages. To do this, you can use Google Ads. Google Ads allows you to pay for specific keywords that people might be searching for that will take them directly to your website. For example, if someone types “door installation in Saskatoon” into Google, the top two results will be ads with your company’s name attached to them. A high ranking on search engines can bring you tons of new potential customers every day.

Marketing Content:

It is important to use fresh, relevant content on your website. A great way to achieve this is by utilizing a blog for your company. If you don’t know how to set up a blog, there are many easy guides online that can show you everything you need to know about the process.


One of the best things that you can do for your website is to optimize it properly. This means that if people type any variations of your company name or keywords related to your business into a search engine, they will find you on page one. There are plenty of free tutorials online that will help you optimize your website and blog for SEO (search engine optimization).

Inbound Marketing:

Inbound marketing is an important part of web marketing for window and door contractors. This comes from the idea that you should make yourself “invisible” online, but your website should still be visible to users who are actively seeking out your business in their searches. If someone is looking up a specific keyword in Google or Bing, they will see your company’s name in the results. If your website is properly optimized with keywords and content, it will also help increase your ranking quickly.

As you can see, it is easy to set up a professional online presence through web marketing for window and door contractors. Use these tips to create a website that potential customers want to visit and direct them towards becoming a customer for life.